

2020-01-19    01'58''

主播: 海盐脆片

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每日一词|千年胞波情谊 millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship 【重要讲话】 中缅两国有句共同的谚语,“亲戚越走越亲,朋友越走越近”。站在建交70年的历史新起点上,我们愿同缅甸朋友携手努力,推动构建更为紧密的中缅命运共同体,续写千年“胞波”情谊的新乐章。 In China and Myanmar, people have similar sayings to the effect that more exchanges will bring families and friends closer together. In this 70th anniversary year, China-Myanmar relations stand at a new starting point. Let us work hand in hand to build an even closer China-Myanmar community with a shared future and write a new chapter for our millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship. 【相关词汇】 和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 中缅经济走廊 China-Myanmar Economic Corridor