

2016-03-13    07'04''

主播: 英语英音Vera

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British Council官方认证雅思培训师 付费备考公共账号【英音口语流利说】 免费学习订阅号【雅思托福口语】 The Old Town of Lijiang, a well-preserved old city of ethnic minorities with brilliant culture 丽江的古城是保存完整的古城,居住着少数名族,拥有丰富多彩的文化。 Embraced by the tree-covered mountains, with crystal clear water running through, the old town looks like a big jade ink slab, therefore it&`&s called 大研镇 古城四面被苍山环绕,城内溪水纵横穿过,从远处看,像是一个大研磨盘,故名大研城 The Old Town was firstly built in the late Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years. 古城始建于宋朝晚期,拥有800多年历史。 The layout of the town is free-style and flexible, the houses are close and diverse 古城布局开放灵活,房屋彼此紧紧相邻,但风格各异,街道 The center of the Old Town is the Square Street (Sifangjie) Four main streets radiate from Square Street and extend to the four different directions. 古城的中心是四方街。以四方街为中心,发散出去四条主要街道。 Streets are paved by the local bluestones which add a sense of antiquity and mystery. 街道都是当地的石头铺设而成,古色古香,神秘悠远。 The charming Old Town is now a famous tourist attraction for its traditional ethnic culture and customs and the wonderful natural views. 现在,古城是一个著名的旅游景点,像世界各地的人们展示着少数民族的文化传统和美轮美奂的自然风光。