

2014-12-18    09'39''

主播: 许乃夫老师

2494 106

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to today’s news in minutes. I’m Jack in Beijing here with john and penny. Today we are going to talk about music. (Jack) Why your musical taste is a reflection of you. (Penny)And relationship between music taste and your personalities. (John) So now please hear the news item from NPR news Think back over the soundtrack to your life. Those songs you heard in grade school and church, on first dates and at dances, in college dorms and convertibles, at weddings and graduations — it's all part of your musical makeup. And today, the mysterious power of music seems to be even more personal and pervasive. With help from iPods, downloads, clouds and smartphones, we can literally "soundtrack" our lives any time, anywhere. But why do we like what we like? What makes us choose Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift? And what does it say about us, personally? These and other questions about why music matters to just about everyone, in every culture, are posed in a recent article in the Guardian by musicologist Eric Clarke. And along with the Oxford professor's theories, which range from scientific to social, the British publication has launched "Six Songs of Me," a project to map as many personal playlists as possible. They've set up a special site where you can pick your most meaningful songs in six categories. They're hoping to gather enough data, Clarke says, to "help us think more fruitfully about the 'big questions' that lie behind the sounds of our lives." *What was the first song you ever bought? J:Can you feel the love tonight / candles in the wind Jack: yesterday once more / Carpenters *What song takes you back to your childhood? J: stuck in the middle with you. *What song would you want at your funeral? Love lies bleeding, Elton John A reflection of you and how music taste is a reflection of you Jack: I like New age before going to bed. I mean music without lyrics, which can help me fall asleep soundly. 人格分裂 split personality / schizophrenia Yeah, how about you, my wonderful audience? Please tell me what types of persons you are and what musical tastes you have?