【电影《分手信》Dear John】圣诞节,教你写分手信或者看懂分手信

【电影《分手信》Dear John】圣诞节,教你写分手信或者看懂分手信

2014-12-19    07'07''

主播: 许乃夫老师

2803 120

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my program today in movie salon. It’s great for us to have John, Shirly, and Angle in our studio here. Today’s movie is so impressive that is related to John here in our program. What’s that? John. I don’t know. You knew it!! It’s Dear John the movie. (S) actually, dear john has nothing to do with John the papa I mean. It’s a movie shot in 2010 based on the novel by Nicolas Sparks. (A) Wow, I heard of his name before cause I have read another book of his THE NOTEBOOK. It’s a story about true love. 这本小说后来还拍成了电影,不过这部电影《分手信》看起来好像是它的姊妹篇。 (s) Yeah, it’s also a story about true love between John and Savannah in a hot summer and then they went their own ways because of September 11th but eventually found each other. (Jack) Okay, let’s enjoy the most touching part of the movie first. *播放电影片断 杰克:其实,我最早关注着这部电影的时候是先关注原著,我对原著的名字非常感兴趣,what does dear John mean, dear John? S: 影片名Dear John是美国的一个俚语,意思为绝交信。它原先写为Dear John Letter,John在这里代指美国大兵。这个词的来源是二战时期,由于在家乡的未婚妻或者是妻子忍受不了自己的男人常年在外,从而提出分手。这种信的内容一般都是:“我已经找到终生伴侣了,那个人不是你”。由于Dear John的风靡,而且信件内容非常简短,所以直接催生了另一个英语中的词组:“That's all she wrote”,这个词组的非字面含义是“我被她甩了”。 大家都要知道,圣诞节就要到了,这是一个充满着爱的季节,但是也是分手的好时候。今天我们在节目当中教大家怎么来写分手信, 第一招:积攒人品、回想往事 J:How do you begin with a dear john letter? A: Sounds very practical because he has been there before. 下面我们请约翰哥哥给我们举个例子好不好? J: Honey, I’ve been thinking about us for a long time and reminescing about the great times we’ve had. They bring a smile to my face. Unfortunately, all good times must come to an end. S:是啊,每一封分手信之前都要回忆一下美好的时光。不论怎样结局的情感都有值得怀念的时光。那么接下来怎么说呢? J: 第二招:毫无节操、吐槽自己 J: Jack, How to continue that? *This is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I’m sorry. I don’t have the courage to do it face to face. I’ve never planned this. It’s not you, Sam. How can I make you understand? Your life is set. You have your job, your friends and your money. But I feel I’m finding out what mine is about. A: 这段话好熟悉哦~许老师怎么做到的呢?How can you make this? Do u have a collection of this kind of letters? Jack: …. 第三招:直面人生,分道扬镳 (S) And this is the most hardest thing to do in a dear john letter. How do you handle this? John: I hope we still be friends. (s) 哇,这是要做备胎的节奏吗? A:我不认为男人女人之间有真正的友谊? J:其实也没有啦,谢霆锋和王菲,你看,好好厉害的样子。。。 In conclusion, what does true love mean to you? True love is patience. True love is compromise, putting yourself in other’s shoe’s. True love is mutual understanding. 接下来,让我们来听一听作者在原著第一章中开头部分对真爱的诠释 What does it mean to truly love another? There was a time in my life when I thought I knew the answer: It meant that I’d care for Savannah more deeply than I cared for myself and that we’d spend the rest of our lives together. It wouldn’t have taken much. She once told me that the key to happiness was achievable dreams, and hers were nothing out of the ordinary. Marriage, family . . . the basics.