

2014-12-24    07'30''

主播: 许乃夫老师

2327 91

Hello, everyone. welcome to todaus' program here with me and John in the studio. Hi, John. Tomorrow is christmas eve, so let's talk about the western fesital. Christmas 1. Why do people celebrate Christmas in western countries? Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the "Son of God". 2. How do people celebrate Christmas? Usually by giving gifts and then they have a feast and visit friends and family. 3. What do you usually have for Christmas feast? Usually turkey, corn, apple sauce, pie... it's a lot like Thanksgiving only smaller since there are often many snack foods eaten all day long, since it is a time for children. 4. People exchange gifts during Christmas, what was your favorite gift? I'm a little old fashioned. My favorite gift was, and always will be, the time I get to spend with friends and family. What is yours, Jack? for me , I am a gift-giver, but i want to be a gift-getter, like money in cash with red evelope, yeah ,cause i can spend money on my onw way, buying electronic divices like apple products. 5. How long is Christmas season? The "season" lasts for a month, from Thanksgiving until New Years Day, but Christmas is only 1 day long. We hope you have a very good Christmas with your family and the one you care for Merry Christmas!!!