

2017-04-14    05'11''

主播: 许乃夫老师

4699 80

口误:1. Narrower 的词后缀改成词尾;2. 第五个单词例句多读了一句。请大家听时注意。 (4.15) Low-Fiber Diets Cause Waves of Extinction in the Gut 低纤维饮食习惯引起肠道微生物一波接一波的灭绝 --P246《题源报刊100篇--泛读》 背景介绍: 多样化的肠道微生物群可以更好地抵御入侵细菌,由于当前人类的低纤维饮食习惯,造成了体内微生物的减少,而通过对老鼠的实验,证明这些微生物的减少是不可逆的,会代代相传直至灭绝。 句子精选: ►(4.15) This means that a fiber-rich diet can nourish a wide variety of gut microbes and, conversely, that a low-fiber diet can only sustain a narrower community.    这意味着,纤维种类丰富的膳食可以滋养更多样化的肠道微生物,相反,纤维种类较少的饮食只能维持较小的肠道微生物群。 语言点: (1)    nourish:vt. 为...提供营养、滋养;保持,怀有;培养(感情、观念或信念)    To nourish a person, animal, or plant means to provide them with the food that is necessary for life, growth, and good health. (2)    gut microbes肠道细菌(复数)      gut :n.内脏 v.取出  a.简单的,根本的    microbe=bacterium 细菌(bacteria复数) (3) Conversely : adv. 相反地;另一方面;      -ver- 表转,反  inverse相反的  divert转移      You say conversely to indicate that the situation you are about to describe is the opposite or reverse of the one you have just described.     (4)sustain→sus-表示向上;tain=stay/catch→vt.坚持,保持,维持,使持续;遭受,经受;维持…的生命; (5)narrower→narrow: adj.比较狭窄的(narrow的比较级);narrow :adj.狭窄的,有限的,精密的vi.vt.(使)变窄;(使)〈范围、差距〉缩小; Something that is narrow measures a very small distance from one side to the other, especially compared to its length or height.