22、早安@职场英语 | 人事规章:呃,新员工都会问的问题

22、早安@职场英语 | 人事规章:呃,新员工都会问的问题

2018-07-11    02'00''

主播: Keeper哥の职场Box

192 0

Michael问Peter,when can I get my salary? And how to ask for leave? Peter笑了: All new staff members are likely to ask the same questions. 所有新员工似乎都会问同样的问题。 Haha… I can understand that. 哈哈,我能明白。 Er… on the 20th day of every month, you can get your salary on time. 呃,每月的20号可以准时领到工资。 And you are required to work for eight hours per day, from nine a.m to six p.m. 你需要每天工作8小时,早上9点上班,下午6点下班。 Every month you have three days off, except the weekend and some important holidays. 除周末和重大节假日外,每月还有3天假。 这些单词短语你要会: be required to: 要求,有必须要完成的意思; off:休假,指的是不用上班,休息的日子,相当于周末,而上文中的leave,则是请假,指自己申请的休假,所以,这两个休假还是有区别的。