46、电话回访:嘿,它们现在是否状况良好? 主播:望钧_Keeper哥

46、电话回访:嘿,它们现在是否状况良好? 主播:望钧_Keeper哥

2018-12-02    02'03''

主播: Keeper哥の职场Box

172 0

Michael找James先生,电话接通了: Hello, Mr. James, this is Michael from Blue Sky Corp. 你好,James先生,我是蓝天公司的Michael。 Excuse my troubling you. You bought our products last year. 恕我打扰,您去年购买了我们的产品。 Now it’s time we visited our customers and knew about their workings. Are they still in good condition now? 现在是我们拜访客户了解使用情况的时候了。它们现在是否状况良好呢? Yeah, exactly! I bought all of them last year. 是的,正是如此。我就是去年购买的。 En…they work very well. At present, they are still in good state. 嗯……都运行得很好。目前仍然状况良好。 这些单词和短语你要会: trouble:麻烦; condition和state:在这里都指状况,condition更多指条件、环境的因素,而state就是指状态。 好了,你get到了吗? 早安,职场英语,加入职场Box互助群,咱们一起学习吧!