I know you’ve los(t) someone and i(t) hurts. You may have los(t) them suddenly, unexpectedly. Or perhaps you began losing pieces of them until one day, there was nothing left. You may have known them all your life or you may have barely known them at all. Either way, it is irrelevant --- you cannot control the depth of a wound another inflicts upon you.
Which is why I am no(t) here to tell you tomorrow will be a new day. Tha(t) the sun will go on shining. Or there are plenty of fish in the sea. What I will tell you is this; it’s okay to be hurting as much as you are. What you are feeling is no(t) only completely valid but necessary --- because it makes you so much more human. And though I can’ (t) promise it will ge(t) better anytime soon, I can tell you tha(t) it will --- eventually. For now, all you can do is take your time. Take all the time you need.
我明白你在失去他人时的痛苦。他/她或许在突然之间,出乎意料的离你而去; 又或许慢慢的从你生命中消逝。他/她或许是你的至亲,又或许只是与你擦肩而过的路人。但这一切与你所承受的痛苦并无关联 --- 因为你无法控制他人在你身上留下的伤口到底会有多深。
这就是为什么我不想对你说“新的一天会更美好”、 “太阳会照常升起”、 “天涯何处无芳草“。我想告诉你:痛彻心扉有时在所难免。痛苦本身并没有错,相反它是必要的 --- 因为它构建了你人性。虽然我无法保证你的伤口何时才能愈合,但我可以承诺---终有一天它会愈合。现在,你能做的就是让时间抚平你的伤口,无论多久。