

2020-03-23    02'16''

主播: 小拳拳 @Jasmine

352 2

Why am | more cautious as | age instead ofthe other way around? 为什么当一个人逐渐成熟后,却反而变得更加小心谨慎呢? | wonder if it's all tied in to failure.我想是由于害怕失败的缘故。 | tend to forget my gains and rememberonly the losses. 我总是容易忘记我的收获,却只记得所有失去的。 The failures have piled up, wreaking havoc with my confidence until, as an adult, I've become afraid to take chances. 挫折堆叠得很高,它摧毁了我全部的信心,直到我长大成人后再也没勇气尝试冒险。 | spent the first half of my life becoming anadult and the last half learning to be achild. 我用前半生努力让自己变成一个成年人,也许后半生该学习如何做- - 个小孩。 --琼:安德森《海边- -年》