加G1-08~Fat cat on a mat(总166)上08

加G1-08~Fat cat on a mat(总166)上08

2016-09-24    03'09''

主播: 2008麦子

141 0

故事简介: Fat cat on a mat——《睡垫上的肥猫》内容很有趣。意思大致是这样的:一只倒霉的肥猫为了躲避自己不喜欢的蜜蜂,爬到了树干上,结果树干折断,树干上的鸟蛋掉了下来,正好落在了小猪身上,小猪完好的用头接住了鸟蛋,肥猫做出了一个出人意料的决定,就是自己要孵鸟蛋。肥猫拒绝了朋友小猪、蛇一起玩耍的约定,一直在睡垫上孵鸟蛋,朋友们都说它懒惰、疯了,最后肥猫孵出了小鸟,赢得了朋友的夸赞! Fat cat sees a bee. Fat cat flees up a tree. "I don't like bees!" yelps fat cat. "I don't like bees and i don't like trees." "I don't like bees or trees." "Are you stuck?" shouts Big Pig. "Bad luck!"shouts Big Pig. Fat cat groans. "I am stuck. It is bad luck,"she moans. The tree bends... and the nest drops off the end. The nest drops, with a plop, on top of Big Pig. "Like my new hat, Fat cat?" "Good catch!" yelps Fat cat. Fat cat lands in a sandy patch. "I must help the eggs to hatch." Next day, Fat cat will not play. "Play with me!" says Big pig. "Not today,"says Fat cat on her mat. "Bake a cake with me,"says Jake Snake., "Not today,"says Fat cat on her mat. "Let's run in the sun for fun,"says Ted. "Not today,"says Fat cat on her mat. "You are lazy," says Big pig. "You are crazy,"says Jake snake. "You are no fun,"says Ted. "Shh!"says Fat cat. "Stay away,"says Fat cat. She hops up off her mat. "It's the eggs from the nest! "says Big pig. "See the chicks hatch."