

2014-10-08    00'55''

主播: A Box Of Cats

1426 41

文本整理自军团字幕 Opposite exchange contract is completely up to you. And nobody has to know why you're refusing to sell, to them specifically. We're pretty sharp at keeping a beady eye out for the developers, even developers disguised as domestic buyers. It's hard to stipulate that, and you risk alienating buyers at the point of sale. But you'll get a very ... You'll have a instinct as soon as people walk into the house, you'll have a very clear instinct to their taste. And if they fall in love with the house as it is, (there was) people start talking about what they'll do to the house. This's where: Oh, I love this kitchen, this is what I'll do the bathroom. And we're trying to make it as painless as you possibly can.
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