Original comics
Actually I remember an amazing car ride I had from the west coast of LA, from Santa Monica to Pasadena or something, I was going to the valley.
And I had the Ring Cycle(dee ring des Nibelungen) on a CD in my car stereo.
Because Loki turns up in Wagner, Loge, And he's the god of fire.
I read everything I could, and stole all the bits that I thought were the fun bits.
Which Kenneth Branagh and I really wanted to highlight, which is this younger brother, damaged, lost, kind of sad, injured, betrayed, second son of Asgard, who was always going to be the black sheep.
So it became a kind of cocktail.
It's as if I have a huge well, or a bucket or something, and I kind of circle around it, and I throw things in which I think are useful. Books, songs, pieces of music, newspaper clippings, interviews. I kind of think about it.
And then once I've sort of got this enormous well of research, I kind of move in, and paper the walls of it, and just live there for a bit.
So once I'd done that...it's like, you plan, and you know, and then you forget, and you do. That's always a kind of mantra: plan it, know it, forget it, do it. So that's what I do.
I'd love to have traveled back to Ancient Greece.
Enthusiasm for ancient Greece!
Our sense of modern classicism is...
Shiny marble quality to it
And I'd love to see Ancient Greece in kind of technicolor , as it actually was.
And I sort of had a taste of what the 20's in Paris might have been like.
And the more I read about it, the more... I mean they lived the high life, that's for sure.
Golden Age thinking
Which is an idea that there was a better time before now.
Like, now is kind of 'meh'. You know like, it was better before.
You know people say it now, they'll be like"ah you missed the 60's" or like 'the 70's was where it was at.' Or, it was all about 30's...
Whatever, people are always harking back to an age in the past which they thought was better.
Zac: I feel like a lot of people do skip over the 90's. The 90's don't get a lot love.
I guarantee you that in about 40 years' time, like 20-years-old kids will be like,
See how easy that was? That was so easy!
Duran Duran, bros, yaz,what about you?