2015.03. 儿童版亨利五世旁白(开头和结尾)

2015.03. 儿童版亨利五世旁白(开头和结尾)

2015-03-17    01'42''

主播: A Box Of Cats

2196 130

Tom给WillShake 的儿童版短片亨利五世读的旁白。 音频源:torrilla汤上链的soundcloud源 听写,【】中按照军团字幕修改: and so here‘s Will, the writer of our tale。 full of wonder, words and stories to regale. of kings and princes, battles lost 【and won】. heroes, villains, 【knaves】 , he covers everyone. and stories, too, of love, and lovers true. and all of these he plans to share with you. fear not his witches, or his haunting 【ghouls】, the creeping madness of his 【kingly】 fools. the loyal friends his heroes can not see. a brimmed with evil, 【green-eyed treachery】. 【if】that‘s 【a】little taste 【of】what‘s to come. for on this beach we meet Will‘s 【latest】 one. a boy soon to be England‘s famous king, who took on France, and made his soldiers sing. cry God for Henry, thoughtful, burdened king. but first a boy, and such a wayward thing. thus far, with rough and 【all-unable pen】, our bending author 【hath】 pursued the story. in little room confining mighty men, mangling by 【starts】the full course of their glory. small time, but in that small most 【greatly】 lived, this star of England.