【Not Tom】2015.05.20 小恶魔唱歌,吐槽冰火众生(你知道群嘲的下场吗

【Not Tom】2015.05.20 小恶魔唱歌,吐槽冰火众生(你知道群嘲的下场吗

2015-05-20    01'13''

主播: A Box Of Cats

904 39

21日是美国第一个红鼻子慈善日,一众英国明星,包括Emma,都十分友好地发推招呼美国老乡们,嘿,你们听说过红鼻子日吗~~~ 红鼻子日呢,简单说就是各种搞笑,来募集善款做慈善的一个活动。 所以这首歌就是小恶魔Peter Dinklage和cold play乐队合作,吐槽冰火众生的一首歌。 出奇的好听!!! 视频及歌词源(谷大白话上传B站,*小恶魔Peter Dinklage倾情献唱*): http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2343771/ Still going strong. (He‘s still going strong) yeah yeah (He’s still going strong) remember Ned Stark, he was a lot of fun But he didn't make it pass Season One Robert Baratheon was part of that crew but he never made it Season Two the king of north was cool you said the other favourite that ended up dead you saw that Joffrey had to survive He isn't in the credits for Season Five baby you know I’m the man of all seasons characters get cut for various reasons some people's parts just ain‘t very long BUT NOT ME I’m still going strong