T: My character, I play Thomas Sharpe, who is a young baronet, in the 19th century, a Victorian industrialist; he wants to be a great industrialist, and inventor, engineer. He is a very openhearted, open-minded, curious spirit, who, when the film 【】 to America, looking for investment for a new machine which he thinks will revolutionize clean mining, and by the industry of, you know, that kind of thing.←_←
His house, he inherits this dilapidated mansion in Cumberland in England,called Allerdale Hall, which sits on Crimson Peak. And it’s called such because the red clay that the house sits on, seeps up through the snow, in the winter, and stains the snow red. So it has this slightly foreboding aspect.
Yeah, 【】really, he’s an orphan, he’s the tall dark stranger who is a represent, 【】 mystery for Mia Wasikowska’s character at the beginning of the film. And they fall in love, and get married and go back to his big house and the country which is full of ghosts.
T: yeah, I think it’s definite gothic romance, which is also very very very, very scary. I speak as someone who is very scared by it when i watched it, even i was in it. But that’s part of gothic romance. It means literally 【】 of this genre, the mysteries 【死都听不出来的两句】。。they set up at that time these tropes of, there is always a tall dark stranger who has a big house, and had a sort of magnetic appeal to it, both of them, the man and house, to a young woman who was innocent and open-minded and curious. and actually what gothic romance has always done is been an almost allegory for so many of primary instincts of life. At that time, at victoria age, nobody talked about sex. Nobody thought about it, 【】talked about socially. and you know, people 【largely held it by closed doors 】and within matrimony ,it’s hard to imagine it now . and I think there is something about these sort of, these opposite forces of sex and death in all of our lives. They are inevitable and they are everywhere. And they war, they come to battle each other, in gothic romance. I think there is very, sort of strong sharp, romantic instinct propels two people together and sexuality that become with that. But also the prospect of death, you know. It seems to be very contradictory opposites in our lives so I think gothic romance holds those two in a very beautiful way and it’s what I know fascinates Gillmor.