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(09.25)更新一下购买信息。iOS系统,在store中下national theatre backstage这个app,其中第一项就是Coriolanus专辑,25元,包括整场评论音轨(有导演,Tom,Hadley,将军和妈妈,还有一个peter)、预告片、两小段访谈、几篇文章和照片。还是挺值的。
貌似汤抖说他最喜欢的一句台词是oh,me alone, make you a sword of me.
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很久没做听写了,试一下。还是有好几个地方没听懂 :(
I wanted to do Coriolanus because it’s a great part. It’s one of Shakespeare’s greatest and most challenging roles for an actor. It demands everything, an intellectual 【rigour】, a physical risk and acuity of psychological examination.
There is something of the fascist in Coriolanus which was very dangerous and very incendiary. He speaks in arrogance and hubris and entitlement. Someone who feels like he is from a class 【of】people who are born to rule.
I think audiences perhaps 【and readers】in the past struggle with access to Coriolanus because he is so hard, because he seems impenetrable. But that’s the thing that makes it most interesting as the character. He is a man who’s denied himself the most relatable human feelings. He is someone who feels invulnerable and impenetrable, he’s not someone who is given easily to charm or friendliness or even smiling. I found myself, unable to help, but, admir【ing】 his purity in some regard. There is honesty and his inability to lie and dissemble【was】something that is incredibly rare and uncynical. There is something I think very compelling about saying this character live at pitch of extremity that many of us would be afraid of 【live at】. He’s someone who has no fear of death. He’s someone who has a distinct and extraordinary physical courage and one I think that is, that’s very rarely found in our society.