推荐源:Tom在2015年10.14日BBC Radio2节目里唱的那两句。
前边暖场的时候,Audery说Hank Jr. 1岁半,Hank Jr. 1949年5月出生,所以这个现场版应该是1950年底1951年初(主持人是提了一个1951然而没听懂前后话。。。
总之Hank说了一些关心儿童的话,然后让Audery给观众说一下他们儿子Hank Jr. 的近况(听了这个就知道,奥妹在电影片段里的声音和语调简直太像Audery了!)然后好像是在宣传一个能帮助小孩医疗费的基金会?实在是听不懂。。。
像Tom在广播节目里说的那样,Hank Williams有另一个出唱片和演出的名字:Luke the Drifter。这首歌就是发在Luke the Drifter名下的。
Luke the Drifter的歌一般比较偏宗教,说教,灵魂这些(不好卖)的成分,经常用一种吟诵的调子,唱些有教育意义的故事。。。
这首Help Me Understand也一样。前半部分是一个小姑娘在祈祷,因为她爸爸妈妈总打架,小姑娘祈祷上帝帮助她理解这一切。然后Hank唱/说了另一个悲惨的婚姻故事,Tom唱的那两句就在这部分里。
歌词像所有Hank写的歌一样,非常简单,然而非常动人。其中有两句简直触目惊心。他说两夫妻又因为一点小事吵起来,本来也没什么,但是But one word led to another/And the last word led to a divorce。(传记:said Hank tearfully, clearly cognizant of the threat of divorce hanging over his own head.)
前边小女孩的部分是Audery唱的。真奇怪一个说话这么好听的人,为什么唱起歌来这么难听呢。。。但是Hank的传记作者对她在这首歌里的表现还挺欣慰:“a rare occasion when her tuneless singing actually worked".
《Help Me Understand》歌词:
A little girl prayed at the close of the day,
Cause her daddy had gone far away,
On her little face was a look of despair,
I stood there and listened, and I heard this prayer
My mommie says daddy has brought us to shame
And Im never no more to mention his name
Lord take me and lead me and hold to my hand
Oh heavenly father help me understand
You know friends I wonder--
Just how many homes are broken tonight
And just how many tears are shed
By some little word of anger
That never should have been said
Id like to tell you a story
Of a family I once knew.
Well call them mary and william
And their little daughter sue
Now mary was just a plain mother
And bill was just a usual dad
And they had their little family quarrels
(like everybody else)
But neither one really got mad
Then one day something happened
It was nothing of course
But one word led to another
And the last word led to a divorce
Now here were two grown up people
Who failed to use common sense
They strengthened their own selfish pride
At little sues expense
You know she didn't ask to be brought to
This world
To drift from pillar to post
But a divorce never stops to consider
The ones it hurts the most
Thered be a lot more honest loving
In this wicked ole world today
If just a few parted parents
Could hear little sue say
Take me and lead me and hold to my hand
Oh heavenly father, help me understand