【to be or not to be】99 马克吐温&Elijah Wood

【to be or not to be】99 马克吐温&Elijah Wood

2015-12-26    02'58''

主播: A Box Of Cats

1150 66

音频源:有声书哈克贝利历险记 这本书和汤姆沙耶历险记都是po主小时候最爱之一,但是那时候更喜欢汤姆沙耶历险记,哈克贝利有点不太懂。这次因为想多听听南方口音,所以找到这本,结果听下来,萌die!故事也萌读得也萌。朗读者是Elijah Wood,就是指环王里的弗洛多~~~我还是第一次听美国演员读有声书呢。太~好听了。 这一段是哈克贝利和老黑奴吉姆在流浪时遇见两个骗子,年轻的说自己是公爵,老头说自己是国王,,公爵邀请国王一起演戏,罗密欧与朱丽叶。还需要准备一点返场小段,公爵打算教国王Hamlet这段独白,soliloquy,但是他没有书,就凭记忆自己编了一段。。。 let me see--oh, I’ve got it--you can do Hamlet’s soliloquy." "Hamlet’s which?" "Hamlet’s soliloquy, you know; the most celebrated thing in Shakespeare.Ah, it’s sublime, sublime! Always fetches the house. I haven’t got it in the book--I’ve only got one volume--but I reckon I can piece it out from memory. I’ll just walk up and down a minute, and see if I can call it back from recollection’s vaults." So he went to marching up and down, thinking, and frowning horrible every now and then; then he would hoist up his eyebrows; next he would squeeze his hand on his forehead and stagger back and kind of moan; next he would sigh, and next he’d let on to drop a tear. It was beautiful to see him. By and by he got it. He told us to give attention. Then he strikes most noble attitude, with one leg shoved forwards, and his arms stretched away up, and his head tilted back, looking up at the sky; and then he begins to rip and rave and grit his teeth; and after that, all through his speech, he howled, and spread around, and swelled up his chest, and just knocked the spots out of any acting ever I see before. This is the speech--I learned it, easy enough, while he was learning it to the king: To be, or not to be; that is the bare bodkin That makes calamity of so long life; For who would fardels bear, till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane, But that the fear of something after death Murders the innocent sleep, Great nature’s second course, And makes us rather sling the arrows of outrageous fortune Than fly to others that we know not of. There’s the respect must give us pause: Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The law’s delay, and the quietus which his pangs might take, In the dead waste and middle of the night, when churchyards yawn In customary suits of solemn black, But that the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns, Breathes forth contagion on the world, And thus the native hue of resolution, like the poor cat i’ the adage, Is sicklied o’er with care, And all the clouds that lowered o’er our housetops, With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. ’Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. But soft you, the fair Ophelia: Ope not thy ponderous and marble jaws, But get thee to a nunnery--go!