Bob Dylan-Simple Twist of Fate

Bob Dylan-Simple Twist of Fate

2016-10-14    04'18''

主播: A Box Of Cats

1551 49

终于我也是看过诺贝尔文学奖获奖作品的人啦!!! 司令是Bob Dylan的脑残粉呀,每日一歌推荐过他好几次。这首歌,司令在2012年采访里弹唱过片段23333 They sat together in the park 他们一块坐在公园里 As the evening sky grew dark 夜幕四垂愈见漆黑 She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones 她的一瞥令他感到寒芒一闪刺痛骨髓 It was then he felt alone and wished that he'd gone straight 就在那时他感到又回归孤身一人 多么希望就此一走了之 And watched out for a simple twist of fate. 当心那命运无常的捉弄吧 They walked alone by the old canal 他们并肩行走在古老运河边 A little confused I remember well 当时有一点迷惘 情形历历在目 And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burning bright 然后走进了一家诡异的旅馆 门前的霓虹灯明亮而刺眼 He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train 他感到夜晚汹涌的热浪拍打着他 好似一列货车 Moving with a simple twist of fate. 满载着命运无常的捉弄疾驰而来 A saxophone someplace far off played 一声萨克斯风从遥远的地方传来 As she was walking on by the arcade 此时她正迤逦穿过拱廊 As the light bust through a-beat-up shade where he was waking up 当光线透过残损的帘幕一闪一闪 他正好惊醒 She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate 而她将一枚硬币丢进了门口那个盲人的碗里 And forgot about a simple twist of fate. 企图甩掉命运无常的捉弄 He woke up the room was bare 他在房间里醒来时浑身赤裸 He didn't see her anywhere 寻遍了各个角落也没看到她 He told himself he didn't care pushed the window open wide 他口口声声说他并不在乎 然后将窗户蓦地推开 Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate 内心仍然一片空虚 但却毫无头绪 Brought on by a simple twist of fate. 这就是一场命运无常的捉弄啊 He hears the ticking of the clocks 这时耳边响起钟摆的滴答声 And walks along with a parrot that talks 他带着一只饶舌鹦鹉上了路 Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailers all come in 在水手簇拥的水滨码头他终于找到了她 Maybe she'll pick him out again how long must he wait 可能她会在人群中再次认出他来 但他要等多久 One more time for a simple twist of fate. 又会碰上一次命运无常的捉弄呢 People tell me it's a sin 人们对我说的所谓罪孽就是 To know and feel too much within 情感细腻 内心过于丰富啊 I still believe she was my twin but I lost the ring 我仍然相信她就是我的另一半 但我弄丢了订婚戒指 She was born in spring but I was born too late 她出生在春天 而我出生得太晚 Blame it on a simple twist of fate. 只能怪那命运无常的捉弄啊