

2019-10-04    14'29''

主播: Afire.davie

19163 90

Davie之聲创意的空間永遠記憶您來訪的腳步和身影。 將您共鳴的言語思緒留在Davie之聲的評論之中; 我喜歡音樂,更喜歡音樂生活的點點滴滴。它是我一種靈魂的造詣、一種生命的燦爛。一種無窮大的力量。它震撼了我,給了我一個完美的支點,讓我翹起了生命中的世界。 音樂是流動的建築 ,建築是凝聚的音樂。 分享音樂,世界名曲將幻化成神奇的動畫在你面前展開。如果說音樂的本質就是樂音運動的過程,那麼就讓我們試著將注意力集中在音樂的本身。 即便你不熟悉樂譜,一樣可以跟隨音樂的每一個音節、韻律以憑清晰視覺感知--看到音符是如何匯流為雕梁畫棟的。 音樂是比一切智慧、一切哲學更高的啓示,誰能滲透音樂的意義,便能超脫尋常人無以自拔的苦難和靈魂昇華。 The space of Davie's voice will always remember the footsteps and shadows of your visit. Leave your sympathetic voice and thoughts in the comments of Davie; I like music, and I like the dribs and drabs of music life. It is a kind of attainment of my soul and a brilliant life. A power of infinity. It shocked me, gave me a perfect fulcrum, let me lift up the world of life. Music is a mobile architecture, architecture is a condensed music. Sharing music, world famous songs will be transformed into magical animation in front of you. If the essence of music is the process of musical movement, let's try to focus on the music itself. Even if you are not familiar with music, you can follow every syllable and rhythm of the music with a clear visual perception - see how the notes converge to the carved stone. Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy. Whoever can penetrate the meaning of music can transcend the suffering and soul sublimation of ordinary people.