Entrepreneur's Credo of the American美国企业家宣言    主播  根号3

Entrepreneur's Credo of the American美国企业家宣言 主播 根号3

2018-12-16    02'37''

主播: 守望你的宁听

1610 11

I do not choose to be a common person. 我不要选择做一个普通人。 It is my right to be uncommon—if I can. 如果我可以,我有权成为杰出的人。 I seek opportunity—not security. 我寻求机会,不寻求安稳。 I do not wish to be a kept citizen, 我不想成为一位有保障的国民, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. 孱弱而沉闷的安享着国家的照顾。 I want to take the calculated risk, 我要做有意义的冒险。 to dream and to build, 我要梦想,我要创造。 to fail and to succeed. 我要失败,我也要成功。 I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; 我渴望奖励,拒绝施舍。 I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; 我宁要充满挑战的人生,也不要万无一失的活着; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia. 宁要心满意足的颤抖,也不要萎靡虚空的平静。 I will not trade my freedom for beneficence 我不会拿我的自由换取恩惠。 nor my dignity for a handout. 也不会拿我的崇高换取救济。 I will never cower before any master 我绝不在任何权威面前发抖, nor bend to any threat. 也绝不为任何恐吓所屈服。 It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; 我的天性是挺胸直立,骄傲,而无所畏惧。 to think and act for myself; 我要自由的思考和行动。 to enjoy the benefit of my creations; 我要纵情于我创造的价值。 and to face the world boldly 终有一天,我会面带自豪, and say: 向世界宣告: "This, with God's help, I have done." “在上帝的帮助下,我做到了!”