

2017-05-14    02'10''

主播: 维多利亚V大姐

407 6

三岁七个月的小珺珺念的英文故事书,《乖宝宝好行为养成:宝宝要吃饭》。孩子并不识字,但听我读给她重复几天后开始拿着书自己念,居然一字不落。手机录音,分享给小伙伴们听。 全文如下: Mealtime Mealtime—“Yummy-in-the-tummy time” Clean hands for you and me. Look and see! Plate,cup,spoon,napkin... Ready to dig in! Some for me, and some for you-- don't forget a "Thank you." THANK YOU! We eat our fruits and veggies to grow up strong and healthy. One big rule for mealtime: Always try one bite. You just might like it! Want more? Say,"More, please." And then, "Thank you" once again. At the table, try to sit still, until... ALL DONE! Hello,napkin! Wipe,wipe. All clean. You ate. That's great! Time to clear your plate. Mealtime's done... time for more FUN! The end.