

2020-05-24    13'12''

主播: Carrie 的英语课堂

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剑桥Unit 12(2) On holiday 1. Sentences(重点句型): Where do you want to go on holiday? 你想去哪里度假? I want to go to the mountains. 我想去大山里。 肯定句:I want to watch small animals. 我想要看小动物。 否定句:I don’t want to watch small animals. 我不想要看小动物。 一般疑问句:Do you want to watch small animals? 你想要看小动物吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 是的,我想。 否定回答:No, I don't. 不,我不想。 2. Text(听力文本): Mrs. Star: Well, children. It's the end of school. Where do you want to go on holiday? 孩子们,现在是学期末了。你们想去哪里度假呢? Simon: Let's go to the beach. 我们去沙滩吧。 Stella: Oh, I want to go to the mountains this year. I want to draw birds and trees and I want to watch small animals. I'd like a new notebook and pencils, please. 今年我想去爬山。我想要画小鸟和树,我还想去看一看小动物。 我想要一本新笔记本和铅笔。 Suzy: Are there shells in the mountains, Stella? Stella,山里有贝壳吗? Stella: No, there aren't, but you can get lots of beautiful flowers. 不,山里没有贝壳,但是你可以看到很多漂亮的鲜花。 Mr. Star: Do you want to go to a big city? We can walk in the streets and sit in cafes. 那你想去大城市吗?我们可以在上街散步,还可以在咖啡馆稍作休息。 All: Oh, no! We don't want to go to a city. 不,我们不想去城市。 Simon: OK, let's go to the mountains. Can we swim there, Mum? 那好吧,咱们去爬山吧。妈妈,我们能在那里游泳吗? Mrs. Star: Yes, you can. 可以噢! Mr. Star: OK, that's good. We're all happy to go to the mountains for our holiday. 那可太好了。我们能去山里度假那就太开心了。 Stella: So can I have a new notebook and pencils, then? 那我能得到一个笔记本和一些铅笔吗? Simon: Well, I want some new sunglasses, please. 我想要新的墨镜。 Suzy: And I want a new sunhat, please. 我想要一顶太阳帽。 Grandpa: Hmm, and now I want my dinner. 现在我只想要我的晚餐。 3. Grammar(语法) 1) want表达“想要” want+量词+名词. 想要... I want an apple. She wants some apples. 2) want to +动词原形,表达想要做某事 I want to go to a big city.
上一期: 四年级下册Unit12
下一期: 剑桥2册Unit12(3)