20160119和林超人学美式发音(纪念Glenn Frey老鹰乐队成员)色拉英语L85

20160119和林超人学美式发音(纪念Glenn Frey老鹰乐队成员)色拉英语L85

2016-01-19    13'51''

主播: 林超人美式发音

2237 56

Lesson 85 Hate everything什么都讨厌 Bob: I can’t stand cities. 我无法忍受城市They’re too crowded. 太拥挤了 I hate cars. 我讨厌汽车. They’re even worse than tractors . 它们比拖拉机更糟. I despise city people. 我瞧不起城市里的人. They’re too noisy. 他们太吵 And I hate this grass! 我还讨厌这些草! B: Hi what’s up? 嗨 怎么了?Hello? 喂? Don’t you recognize me? 你难道没认出我吗? Bob: Sorry I don’t . 对不起,我不认识. B: Come on can’t you see the ‘S’? 得了,难道你没看到这个’s’吗? Bob: Oh! I get it. 哦,我明白了。 Your size is “small”你穿的是小号衣服。 ……。 Huh? Where did he go? 噢? 他去哪儿了?