

2018-12-08    09'28''

主播: 林超人美式发音

1896 19

Lesson 10 Do you speak English? 你讲英语吗? Bird 1: Hey , are you two free on Saturday? 嗨,你们俩星期六有空吗? Bird 2: Yeah! What do you have in mind? 是的,怎么了? Bird 1: I’d like to take you to …我想带你们去。。。 Bird 2: …take us to dinner? ….带我们去吃晚餐? Cool! I really enjoyed that bug pizza we had last time! 酷! 我喜欢我们上次吃的虫子披萨! Bird 1: No, no! 不,不! I want to take you to study a foreign language! 我想带你们去学外语! Bird 2: Study a foreign language? 学外语? Bird 1: Sure! 对Wouldn’t it be great to speak another language? 能说外语很棒,不是吗? It would be so useful! 外语真的很有用! Bird 2: It would ? 是吗? Bird 1: Yeah, just think how much fun it would be to sing in another language! 当然,想想,用外语唱歌有多有趣! Bird 2: Really? Okay! 真的吗?好吧! Bird 3: Yeah, let’s try it! 好吧,让我们试试! Bob: All right then, repeat after me! 好了,跟我读!