

2019-04-02    12'49''

主播: 林超人美式发音

2362 24

Lesson 12 What do you do ? 你是干什么工作的? Kevin: Today let’s talk about jobs! 今天让我们来谈谈自已的工作! Excuse me , can you tell me what you do ? 请问您的工作是什么? Fish: Me? I’m a cab driver. 你问我吗? 啊! 我是个出租司机. This is a really tiring job, you know. 你知道这是个很累人的工作. Kevin: Pardon me, could you tell me what you do for a living? 对不起,请问你是什么工作? Boy: Sure, I’m a salesman. 啊! 我是一名推销员. Say, if you need anything, just give me …… a call. 如果你想买什么的话, 别忘了给我打电话 Bob: Fresh milk! Fresh milk! 新鲜牛奶! 新鲜牛奶! Kevin: Sorry to disturb you, what , may I ask , is your job? 打搅您了,请问您是什么工作? Bob: Who, me ? I’m just a shop assistant. 我吗? 我是个商店售货员. Hello! Would you like some fresh, sweet milk? 您需要新鲜、香甜的牛奶吗? Kevin: Excuse me, sir, could you please tell us ,what is your profession? 耽误您一分钟,请问您的工作是什么? Surgeon: Why, I’m a surgeon. 我的职业是外科医生. Kevin: And me? I’m a reporter, bringing you this story. 啊! 我的职业是记者,正在现场报道. How about you? 那么您的职业是什么呢? Lesson 13 Bottoms up! 干杯!