

2016-07-13    11'28''

主播: 林超人美式发音

1575 29

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Lesson 90 Pole Vaulting Champion撑杆跳冠军 Kevin: Good evening everyone! 各位观众 晚上好! Tonight we have the great honor of meeting a most incredible champion. 今天我们非常荣幸能见到这位最不可思异的冠军。 Congratulations! 祝贺你!Congratulations Mr. G! 祝贺你 Mr. G! G: Thank you thank you! 谢谢 谢谢! Kevin: I still can’t believe it! 我还是难以相信! I’m sure all of you must feel the same way. 我相信每一个观众都有同感。 Let’s go back to that amazing moment…让我们回顾一下那个不可思议的瞬间…… G: Oh…help! Help! 啊,救命呀!救命呀! Kevin: Simply incredible! 简直难以置信! Well everyone that’s it for tonight’s Salad Time! 各位观众,本期色拉时间到此为止! Thank you for watching!谢谢收看! Don’t forget to join us tomorrow evening! 别忘了明晚再次收看!So long! 再见! …oh and thanks once again to our champion Mr. G! 。。。哦, 再次感谢我们的冠军Mr. G!