

2017-01-16    88'12''

主播: 薄荷糖电影季

19411 961

介绍: 影瘾,既然戒不掉……挺好!!! 薄荷糖工作室出品 本期话题:芬兰影片《列宁格勒牛仔征美记》 导演:阿基 考里斯马基 年代:1989 另:芬兰西南面为波罗的海,并非北海,节目中口误,请听众们谅解。 本期参与录制:任丘、大饼 欢迎大家通过以下方式和我们互动,你的宝贵意见,是我们坚持下去的动力。 微信公众号:薄荷糖工作室(微信号:bohetang-2016) 微博:薄荷糖工作室 主播微博:薄荷糖任丘、薄荷糖大饼、卢米僧 主播微信:任丘(微信号renqiu_datiao),大饼(微信号leftdog) 节目中播放歌曲: 1.《Born To Be Wild》-Steppenwolf-1968年 2.《Those were the days》-Leningrad Cowboys 原唱:Mary Hopkin,出自1969年专辑《Post Card》 3.《顿河哥萨克之歌》(又名哥萨克之歌、草原骑兵进行曲) 4.《Säkkijärven polkka》 5.《Rock &`&n&`& Roll Is Here To Stay》 原唱:Danny & the Juniors 1957年 6.《Desconsolado》 7.《Ballad Of Leningrad Cowboys》 《Those Were The Days》 Once upon a time there was a tavern很早以前有一家酒店 Where we used to raise a glass or two在那儿我们举杯换盏 Remember how we laughed away the hours是否仍记得如何用笑声消磨时光 And think about the great things we would do把愿做的件件大事来梦想? Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友 We thought they&`&d never end我们想永不终断 We&`&d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊跳一整天 We&`&d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活 We&`&d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输 For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们年轻,肯定会获胜 La la la la...啦,啦,啦..... Then the busy years went rushing by us后来忙碌岁月从身旁飞过 We lost our starry notions on the way我们在路上丢失了星光般的理想 If by chance I&`&d see you in the tavern如果碰巧我见你在酒店 We&`&d smile at one another and we&`&d say我们相视而笑并且说 Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友 We thought they&`&d never end我们想永不终断 We&`&d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天 We&`&d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活 We&`&d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输 Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀 La la la la...啦,啦,啦..... Just tonight I stood before the tavern就在今夜我站在酒店前 Nothing seemed the way it used to be没什么看来与以前一般 In the glass I saw a strange reflection在镜子里我看到一个陌生的影子 Was that lonely woman really me那孤独的女人真的是我? Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友 We thought they&`&d never end我们想永不终断 We&`&d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天 We&`&d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活 We&`&d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输 Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀 La la la la...啦,啦,啦..... Through the door there came familiar laughter从门里传出熟悉的笑声 I saw your face and heard you call my name我看见你并听你在叫我 Oh my friend we&`&re older but no wiser朋友们,我们变老但没变聪明 For in our hearts the dreams are still the same因在我们心里梦想依旧 Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友 We thought they&`&d never end我们想永不终止 We&`&d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天 We&`&d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活 We&`&d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输 Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀 La la la la...啦,啦,啦.....