

2018-10-28    03'31''

主播: 如宝儿

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Volkswagen ended the contract of Rupert Stadler as CEO of its Audi unit, as a criminal investigation continues into his alleged role in VW’s emissions-cheating scandal. 大众汽车终止了其奥迪首席执行官鲁珀特•施泰德(Rupert Stadler)的劳务合同,目前一项针对他涉嫌参与大众排放作弊丑闻的刑事调查仍在继续。 Mr Stadler has not been charged with a crime, but he has been kept in custody since June at the request of prosecutors, who think he might attempt to interfere with their work. 施泰德尚未被指控犯罪,但自6月份以来,应检察官的要求,他一直被拘留,检察官认为他可能试图干涉调查。 Deliveroo, a food-delivery firm and one of the fastest-growing startups in Britain’s gig economy, reported that although sales had more than doubled last year, its pre-tax annual loss had widened to £185m ($240m) as it forked out for new technology. 外卖公司Deliveroo是英国零工经济中发展最迅猛的初创企业之一,有报道称,尽管该公司去年销售额增加了一倍多,然而因为新技术的原因,其税前年度亏损扩大至185英镑(合240美元)。 Deliveroo is said to be discussing a partnership with Uber. 据说Deliveroo正在与优步商讨合作事宜。 Amid political pressure about its pay practices in America and Britain, Amazon announced new minimum wages for its workers in both countries. 在美国和英国的政治压力下,亚马逊宣布了两国员工的最低工资标准。 In America its national hourly wage will be $15, smoothing out differences among cities. In Britain Amazon will pay staff in London £10.50 ($13.70) an hour. 在美国,小时工资调整为15美元,消除了各大城市间的差异。在英国,亚马逊将支付伦敦员工10.5英镑(13.7美元)的最低时薪。 That is 30 pence above the minimum recommended by the Living Wage Foundation, an advisory body. 这比“生活工资基金会”(一家咨询机构)建议的最低标准高30便士。 Outside London it will pay £9.50. 而伦敦以外的地区,亚马逊将支付9.5英镑的最低时薪。 Following pressure from activist investors, thyssenkrupp announced a plan to split itself in two. 在激进投资者的压力下,蒂森克虏伯宣布了一项分拆计划。 The German conglomerate will spin off its profitable elevator-technology business, car-parts unit and factory-construction assets into a separately listed company. 这家德国企业集团将剥离其盈利的电梯技术业务、汽车零部件业务和工厂建设业务,成立一家独立上市公司。 Petrobras was fined $853m by America’s Justice Department to settle allegations of corruption. 巴西石油公司被美国司法部罚款8.53亿美元,以解决其腐败指控。 Because Brazil’s state oil company trades on American markets it was subject to investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 因为巴西国有石油公司在美国上市交易,因违反《反海外腐败法》受到调查。 Funding Circle’s highly anticipated IPO was a let-down. 融资圈备受期待的IPO令人失望。 Shares in the peer-to-peer lender, a bellwether of London’s fintech industry, closed 17% below the offer price on the first full day of trading. 人人贷(peer-to-peer lender)是伦敦金融科技行业的风向标,其股价在首日交易中较发行价低17%。 Gita Gopinath was named as the IMF’s new chief economist, replacing Maurice Obstfeld, who is retiring. IMF任命Gita Gopinath为新任首席经济学家,接替即将退休的莫里斯•奥布斯特费尔德(Maurice Obstfeld)。 Ms Gopinath is a world authority on exchange rates, sovereign debt and capital flows and has written extensively about the dollar’s continued supremacy in world trade. Gopinath女士是世界汇率、主权债务和资本流动方面的权威,她撰写了大量有关美元在全球贸易中持续称霸的文章。 The strength of the greenback has exacerbated currency crises in places such as Argentina, which has turned to the IMF for a bail-out. 美元走强加剧了阿根廷等国的货币危机,阿根廷已向IMF寻求纾困。