《诗经 · 国风 · 魏风 · 硕鼠》中英对译

《诗经 · 国风 · 魏风 · 硕鼠》中英对译

2016-05-22    03'35''

主播: R九

888 19

朗诵:阿九(十一岁) 英译:阿九 配乐:德沃夏克 · 自新大陆(节选) 硕鼠硕鼠,无食我黍!三岁贯女,莫我肯顾。逝将去女,适彼乐土。乐土乐土,爰得我所。 硕鼠硕鼠,无食我麦!三岁贯女,莫我肯德。逝将去女,适彼乐国。乐国乐国,爰得我直。 硕鼠硕鼠,无食我苗!三岁贯女,莫我肯劳。逝将去女,适彼乐郊。乐郊乐郊,谁之永号? 英译:阿九  Large rats, large rats. No millet for you! I fed you since you were three. Yet you never cared for me. You shall feed upon my crops no more. I shall soon reach happier soil. Happy soil. Oh~ Happy soil. My just reward for all my toil! Large rats, large rats. No wheat for you! I fed you since you were three. Yet you were never kind to me. You shall feed upon my crops no more. I shall soon reach a happier nation. Happy nation. Oh~ Happy nation! I shall escape this deprivation. Large rats, large rats. No grain for you! I fed you since you were three. Yet you never helped me. You shall feed upon my crops no more. I shall soon reach the countryside. In this happy countryside, Who would forever wail and cry!