《诗经 · 国风 · 卫风 · 木瓜》中英对译

《诗经 · 国风 · 卫风 · 木瓜》中英对译

2016-06-10    03'10''

主播: R九

620 13

朗诵:阿九(十一岁) 英译:阿九 配乐:江南丝竹 投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。匪报也,永以为好也! 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。匪报也,永以为好也! 投我以木李,报之以琼玖。匪报也,永以为好也! 英译:阿九  If you toss me a wood whittled melon, I shall return with a decorative jade. It&`&s not exchanging the goods that matters, but rather the long-lasting friendship made. If you toss me a wood whittled peach, I shall return with the fairest jade. It&`&s not exchanging the goods that matters, but rather the long-lasting friendship made. If you toss me a wood whittled plum, I shall return with a coal-black jade. It&`&s not exchanging the goods that matters, but rather the long-lasting friendship made.