

2024-07-08    25'00''

主播: SFat Feel

263 3

之前就被她的姐姐这首歌曲疯狂洗脑,今年又参与了浪姐而开始对闽南语电子音乐感兴趣力,没想到一首练舞功直接让我整个人摇起来可谓是又土又嗨!这次精选了他后期的几首曲和早期的几首曲整个集锦让人听起来有一首身在超级巨星台湾红白艺能大赏的感觉哈哈~希望各位喜欢侬! Track: intro:要发达 1、一级棒 2、哔哔哔 3、练舞功 4、叉烧包 5、独一无二 6、爱你辣 7、比舞步 note: This podcast is a favorite music collection of sfat. All tracks in the podcast are uploaded personally and will not involve any commercial activities. If there is any infringement in the song, please inform me immediately! sfat will be removed from stock as soon as it is received! Weibo:suisuirevolution Official Website:popsui.lofter.com [图片]