

2020-02-06    13'56''

主播: SFat Feel

296 0

2020. 我们是相信一切都已经太迟的悲观主义者 但那又怎么样呢 我们是爱上第二次机会的卷土重来的孩子 每一个新年都是另一次机会 希望在新的一年 每个人都能够事事顺心 停止水逆 例如我 新的一年 还请多多指教 谢谢你们♥ Thanks for listening! Note: This podcast is a favorite music collection of sfat. All tracks in the podcast are uploaded personally and will not involve any commercial activities. If there is any infringement in the song, please inform me immediately! sfat will be removed from stock as soon as it is received!