【终极混音】DAOKO - Hisense Paisen x Fire Emblem Main Theme (SFat Mushup!!!)

【终极混音】DAOKO - Hisense Paisen x Fire Emblem Main Theme (SFat Mushup!!!)

2021-01-24    04'11''

主播: SFat Feel

248 0

SFat Feel ~6th Anniversary~ DAOKO × スチャダラパー ハイセンスパイセン × ファイアーエムブレムメインテーマ (Ver. Heroes) anima × DAOKO × ドラガリアロスト! SFat Mushup!!!!!! 继上次DAOKO with TeddyLoid - ダイスキ (Album-V.S-RELOADED SFat Mushup!!)的再度混音DAOKO!!乖乖我真的爱惨带点性冷淡风的DAOKO了!!不过封面失落的龙约我终究是玩不下去啊233333,但歌好听是真的!在anima专辑发布之后我也是脑子里想着一定要把这两首合在一起!!果然混音后的听感简直完美!!嘛如果觉得不戳的话就给个订阅吧!~ Thanks for listening! Remember to subscribe! ~ Note: This podcast is a favorite music collection of sfat. All tracks in the podcast are uploaded personally and will not involve any commercial activities. If there is any infringement in the song, please inform me immediately! sfat will be removed from stock as soon as it is received!