English Classroom 20151025

English Classroom 20151025

2015-10-27    10'32''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

44 1

Lexi:Welcome!Guys,do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Crystal:Oh,in fact I’m single although I’m a sophomore,you know ,a single dog...... Lexi:Okay,today I would like to share you two love letters. Richard:You mean today’s program will teach us how to get a girlfriend? Lexi:Haha,you’re right~ Kiko:I am a prisoner here in the name of the King; they can take my life, but not the love that I feel for you. Yes, my adorable mistress, to-night I shall see you, if I had to put my head on the block to do it. 以王的名义,我在此作为囚犯;他们可以结束我的生命,却无法夺走我对你的爱。是的,我挚爱的女人,若是今晚能见到你,我宁愿将头放上断头台。 Lily: For heaven’s sake, do not speak to me in such disastrous terms as you write; you must live and be cautious; beware of Madame your mother as of your worst enemy. 看在上天的份上,你写信给我时,千万不要忧伤;你一定要活着,小心地活着;对你母亲也要像对待大敌那样小心。 Richard:What do I say? Beware of everybody; trust no one; keep yourself in readiness, as soon as the moon is visible; I shall leave the hotel incognito, take a carriage or a chaise, we shall drive like the wind to Sheveningen; I shall take paper and ink with me; we shall write our letters. 要我怎么说呢?对每一个人都要小心;谁都不能相信;月亮出来,你就做好准备;我会着便装离开旅馆,然后乘一辆四轮马车或轻马车,我们便可像风一样奔往席凡宁根;我会带上纸和墨;我们可以互通书信。 Lexi:If you love me, reassure yourself; and call all your strength and presence of mind to your aid; do not let your mother notice anything, try to have your pictures, and be assured that the menace of the greatest tortures will not prevent me to serve you. 如果你爱我,就不要顾虑;请全力以赴、全神贯注;别让你的母亲察觉到什么,尽量带上你的照片,即便最残忍的酷刑也不能阻止我来见你。 Crystal:No, nothing has the power to part me from you; our love is based upon virtue, and will last as long as our lives. Adieu, there is nothing that I will not brave for your sake; you deserve much more than that. Adieu, my dear heart! 不,没有什么能把我们分开;我们的爱矢志不渝,并与我们的生命同在。再见,为了你,我什么都不怕;你甚至值得更多。再见了,我的心上人! Kiko:It is the love letter from Voltaire ,Let’s share another one. Lily: You have the great gift of understanding, beloved Mary. You are a life-giver, Mary. You are like the Great spirit, who befriends man not only to share his life, but to add to it. My knowing you is the greatest thing in my days and nights, a miracle quiet outside the natural order of things. 你可真是善解人意,我亲爱的玛丽。你是生命的源泉。你像伟大的精灵,帮助人们,却不让他们以生命作为回报,反而让他们延年益寿。我日夜所知,你都是最伟大的生灵,一个超然物外的奇迹。 Kiko:I have always held, with my Madman, that those who understand us enslave something in us. Your understanding of me is the most peaceful freedom I have known. And in the last two hours of your last visit you took my heart in you hand and found a black spot in it. But just as soon as you found the spot it was erased forever, and I became absolutely chainless. 我总认为那些了解我们的人都盘踞在我们体内的某个地方。你对我的理解却是我所知道的最安心的自由。上次来访的最后两个小时,你带走了我的心,将它握在手里,你看到一处污点。可就在你发现它的那一刻,污点就永远消散了,而我也如同被拯救,从此无拘无束。 Richard:And now you are a hermit in a mountain. To me nothing seems more delightful than to be a hermit in a place “full of beautiful hidden places”. But please, beloved, do not take any risks. Being a hermit once will not satisfy you hungry soul, and you must keep well and strong in order to be a hermit again. 现在你好似山间的隐士。对于我来说,最惬意的事莫过于归隐在“美丽的隐秘之园”。可是,亲爱的,请不要冒险。做一回隐士并不能满足你的渴望,可你需要留足力气才能再一次归隐。 Lexi:The laurel-leaves and balm-leaves are filling this place with the most enchanting fragrance. God bless you for sending them to me. 我的周围弥漫着月桂和白壳杨枝叶散发的醉人芳香。愿上帝保佑你,谢谢你将它们赠予我。 Crystal:Love is not about running into each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting. For example, I am a bird flying in sky, you are a leopard in forest. We just fall in love accidentally. Lexi:Time to say goodbye.Hope you will meet your Mr. or Miss Right one day.
上一期: News Scan 2015.10.25
下一期: English IELTS 20151025