TI 6 Boy:top, efficient, convenient and holy. Girl: intelligent, novel, flexible and objective. Boy: Hello, Johnny from tech info. As I said in the last program, today I invite a brand new guest hostess for you and me. Dangdang, let’s welcome Little Princess(小公举) Kenna and Kenna please say hello to everyone. Girl: Good evening, everyone! This is Kenna from zhangzhidong class .Thank you so much for inviting me here. As a big fan of marvel movie ,like Iron man ,The Avengers .I ‘ve been looking forward to today’s topic on science fiction film for a long time . Boy: Oh, really? Cauz I am also fond of Marvel’s heroes, especially Ant Man(蚁人)and Deadpool(死侍), who earns his name by his spiteful tongue, so people call him 贱贱 in Chinese. Girl: Good news comes that the new movie------Captain America: Civil War, a battle between Iron Man and American Captain is coming in 2016.The most hopeful movie!I’m definitely gonna go. Boy: So why not come to the cinema together then? Girl: wow is it a date? That was really touching. Boy: 咳咳咳 oh, that’s exactly what I am thinking about. By the way, we are recording the program, so let 's get back to our topic. Kenna, have you ever think about those fascinating technology shown in the films /will be a reality now or in the close future? Girl: Oh, you can’t beat me on that /cauz I studied a lot about technology in the films, such as hoverboard in the Back to the Future and Time Machine in … Boy: Wow, wonderful because our topic today is about some technologies in films. Girl: And whether they become a reality or not. Boy: All right, since time is limited, let’s go straight to it. During the decades-year development of the science fiction films, we created numerous classic and with the inspired wisdom of mankind, we turned various technologies in the films into reality. In fact, you already should not envy the smartphone in the movie, iPhone has been able to help you achieve most; the rapid development of wearable devices can turn people into an "007". Girl: What if we possess the electronic product,like transformers,which have the ability to deform themselves .What if we own the zoo in which the extinct animals are raised. Since at present,people can obtain the DNA from a dead cow and make a live one--we will use this way to colon the extinct animals. Boy: Obviously, in the future, we can put more concepts into reality and prompt the development of human society. So, let’s take a look on the technologies in the movies already into reality or will soon become a reality. Boy: 1. Everlasting Gobstopper (Seen in: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) If you ask me if I really like candy, the answer is yes. From 1 to 99, we don’t care what age you are – everyone LOVES candy. Willy Wonka was known for inventing wild and out-of-box confectionary treats but none were as fantastic as his Everlasting Gobstoppers. The chances of a candy manufacturer creating a piece of food that never goes away is about as good as a tire manufacturer inventing a tire that never loses rubber – but we can certainly dream. Girl: 2. Hoverboard (Seen in: Back to the Future 2) Ever since 1989 when Marty McFly stepped out of Doc Brown’s time traveling DeLorean and onto Mattel’s Hoverboard, people everywhere have been eagerly anticipating the year 2015 when the coolest toy ever invented would be heralded into Toys ‘R Us stores everywhere. Unfortunately, so far all we’ve received from the Back to the Future films are futuristic-looking sneakers from Nike, broken promises, and videos of “inventors” trolling the internet with fakes. Still, if someone was to actually figure out a way to make a Hoverboard become a reality, we’re sure it would immediately receive its own spot at ESPN’s X-Games. Sure, we have a SUV-size rover patrolling the surface of Mars but get back to us when we can hover a foot off our driveway. Boy: 3. Electromagnetic Climbing Gloves(Seen in: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol) When secret agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) needs to climb a shear rock face, he uses his bare hands, but what does he use when having to climb the glass walls of Burj Khalifa tower(哈利法塔) in Dubai? His electromagnetic climbing gloves, of course. The possible uses for an invention like this are almost limitless: firefighters climbing up the sides of buildings to rescue those in distress, S.W.A.T.(Special Weapons And Tactics) officers surprising bad guys by sneaking up the back of a building instead of using the stairs. Though nothing official has been announced, Peter Blaber – a former Delta Force commander and author of the book The Mission, The Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander, says in an interview with the Washington Post that those gloves are already a reality, which color us intrigued. Girl: 4. Medbays(Seen in: Elysium) If you’ve ever been the parent of a sick child, then you’ve felt the absolute desperation Frey felt and the lengths she was willing to go to as a mother when trying to get her daughter Matilda to Elysium in hopes that a medbay could cure her leukemia. Besides the obvious cancer-curing possibilities, imagine an athlete suffering a horrific sport injury (like Joe Theismann getting his leg broken by Lawrence Taylor). This may could be carted off the field, fixed in a medbay in 30 minutes, then return to finish the game. An invention like this would, quite literally, change the world – as long as its patients aren’t limited to only those with enough money to live in outer space. Boy: 5. Advanced Artificial Intelligence(Seen in: Iron Man, Her, 2001: A Space Odyssey) Audiences loved Tony Stark’s virtual butler J.A.R.V.I.S in Iron Man, Theodore actually fell in love with Samantha in Her, and HAL 9000 tried to kill everyone in 2001: A Space Odyssey – no matter how you look at it, advanced A.I. is destined to eventually be part of our lives. Hopefully the realization of A.A.I. is closer to J.A.R.V.I.S. than it is HAL 9000. After all, having a computer know what you mean when you talk to it, then both act upon those instructions (or know what your next instruction will be) would be provide indispensable assistance in a variety of scenarios. Tony Stark uses it to help fly his billion dollar suit of armor but what if a doctor could use it to perform life-saving surgery? Girl: 6. Dinosaurs(Seen in: Jurassic Park) Before the eye rolling starts at the ridiculousness of bringing beasts like stegosaurus, triceratops, and brontosaurus back to life, know that we aren’t the first to suggest it as a possibility. Xprize actually has a “Jurassic Park Prize” listed on their prize page as a concept competition they are considering. Cloning isn’t really a new science, remember Dolly the sheep, but that was cloning a living animal and not tissue that has long since been extinct. Still, imagine a preserve filled with animals that once dominated those lands. If science could bring them back, then they could also bring back the mighty bison, or the odd-looking dodo bird. Obviously a T-Rex running rampant in San Diego isn’t ideal (especially not when Comic Con is going on), so picking the right genus of dinosaur would be extremely important. At the very least, make sure not to piss off the computer tech that is in charge of your entire security grid. Boy: 7. Neuralizer(Seen in: Men in Black) Anyone who has ever done something they wish everyone would forget – like say, that drunken time you broke into Sea World to steal a penguin or ripped your pants on the dance floor in front of your prom date. What better way to erase those serious faux pas than with a short term memory eraser? In all seriousness, scientists have been using flashing lights of various wavelengths in an attempt to treat a multitude of diseases that affect memory, including Alzheimer’s. If a real life reverse-neuralizer could help cure something like that, then we’re all for it becoming a reality. Girl: 8. Liquid Breathing Equipment(Seen in: The Abyss) The deepest scuba dive on record is 509 feet, while the deepest deep sea dive on record is 2000 feet – set by Daniel Jackson in 2006 using an Atmospheric Diving Suit. Compare those statistics to the deepest part of the ocean (7 miles deep) and humans have just barely broken the surface of the water. Sure, James Cameron (Avatar) made it to the bottom, though he did it using a submarine (still an amazing feat) since humans have limitations on how far they can breathe compressed oxygen at great depths. Oxygen is the main culprit holding us back but breathing oxygen-enriched liquid would theoretically solve that problem – allowing humans to explore the ocean depths without a submarine. Boy: 9. Robotic Helpers(Seen in: The Jetsons, Star Wars, I-Robot) In real life, most robotic assistants are used strictly for medical purposes or mass manufacturing – because regardless of how Hollywood likes to portray them, not every robot or android has to be some hulking, scary, killing machine. Unfortunately, the robots we have today are just arms or gripper fingers and not very helpful in our daily lives. Let’s be honest though, humans can be really lazy, and who better to pick theTV remote off the ground, hang up our laundry, bring us a snack, or mow our lawns than our robotic assistant? Just make sure their directives are clear – so that they don’t turn and enslave us. Girl: 10. Deep Earth Exploration Vessel(Seen in: The Core) Mankind has built machines to explore vastness of space, the depths of the ocean floor, and even crawl around the surface of Mars but we have yet to truly explore the inside of planet Earth. The Russians have drilled further than anyone at 7.5 miles in the Kola Peninsula (though there’s a $1 billion project underway to go even further) but even those attempts merely use drill tubes and not actual human beings in a ship. A ship like Virgil used in The Core will most likely never be a reality due to the extreme pressure and heat the hull would have to endure – 3.5 million PSI and 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the ability to explore what’s under our feet would give science significant insight into the inner-workings of our planet – as well as other potentially hospitable planets (in the future). Girl: With any of these items on our list actually become a reality in our lifetime? Maybe, maybe not. But at the end of the day, Hollywood and authors often inspire the explorer/scientist in all of us to dream bigger and reach farther than we would otherwise – and that’s never a bad thing. Boy: The improvement of technology in movie reflects the improvement of our society and gives people an inspiration to create more and more high-tech things to make our lives more colorful. Girl: Just like the movie tomorrow land little girl Casey and one-time boy genius inventor Frank on a mission to discover the secrets of Tomorrowland, a place that exists somewhere between time and space full of advanced machine .We always have various ideas of what will the future of science and technology look like ,definitely, it must be over cheerful. Boy: Wow, so amazing our adventure is. I strongly hold the belief that those fantastic technologies will come true in our near future and sorry to say that it is just the time for us to say goodbye to everyone. Girl: How time flies! i don’t even notice that it is the end of the program and I am very appreciating about sharing the lovely night with Johnny, thank you again for inviting me. Boy: It’s my pleasure and hope you can come to our program again. Let’s repeat the slogan of our program again. Top, efficient, convenient and holy. Girl: Intelligent, novel , flexible and objective. Boy & Girl:See you next week and see you in tomorrow land.
上一期: Story Night 20151128
下一期: culture12.08.2015