English Classroom 20161023

English Classroom 20161023

2016-10-25    13'33''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

2383 4

English Classroom 10/22 K:Hello everyone,welcome to today’s English Classroom.I’m Kiko.. Family is really hot topic and we can never pay enough attention to the significance of the function of family.A good atmosphere will have enormous influence on our growing up.Everyone would like to have a good family to support their childhood.However,sometimes we have no opportunity to do so. B:Today we would like to talk about the family violence.Actually,the frequency of reading something connected to the family abuse is rising obviously in these years.It seems that we get accustomed to hearing some bad things happened in our society,however,we should never regard it as a normal routine.By contrast,we should pay more attention to the problem and spare no effort solving it. L:Experts agree that family violence is a widespread problem,but the actual extent is difficult to accurately measure.Most experts believe that the extent of violence is higher than research indicates.Data based on official reports,such as police or hospital records,tend to underestimate the extent of violence and abuse because much violence is never reported.Surveys of individuals,which generally produce higher estimates than official records,are also assumed to underestimate the extent of family violence.Understandably,many respondents may fail to report incidents of violence.Furthermore,definitions of what constitutes abuse may vary.Records indicate that the victims of most instances of family violence are women and children.However,some independent surveys indicate that men are also likely to experience violence from a partner. (家庭暴力是一个普遍的社会问题,但因诸多因素,人们很难准确评估其实际程度) K:Child abuse refers to international acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children.The term “child abuse”covers a wide range of behavior,from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs.Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure,it is recognized as a major social problem,especially in industrialized nations.It occurs in all income,racial,religious,and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities.it is,however,more common in some groups,especially those below the poverty line.Cultures around the world have different standards in deciding what constitutes child abuse.In Sweden,for example,the law prohibits any physical punishment of children,including spanking.By contrast,in some countries of Asia,Africa,and the Caribbean,parents are expected to punish their children by hitting them. (虐待儿童指有意对儿童造成身体或者情感上的伤害,是主要的社会问题之一。在评价虐待儿童的标准上,不同国家各不相同。) Maltreatment:虐待[n.] Spanking: 1.[n.]a series of hits on the bottom,given to somebody,especially a child,for punishment. 2.[adv.]when you say something is spanking new,you are emphasizing that it’s very new. 3.[adj.](only before n.)very fast,good,or impressive. --The horse set off at a spanking pace.(那匹马一溜烟飞驰而去) B:There are several different types of child abuse,and some children experience more than one type.Physical abuse includes deliberate acts of violence that injure or even kill a child.Unexplained bruises,broken bones,or burn marks on a child may be signs of physical abuse.Sexual abuse occurs when adults use children for sexual gratification or expose them to sexual activities.Emotional abuse destroys a child’s self-esteem.Such abuse commonly includes repeated verbal abuse of a child in the form of shouting,threats,and degrading or humiliating criticism.Other types of emotional abuse are confinement,such as shutting a child in a dark closet,and social isolation,such as denying a child’s friend. (虐待儿童的行为包括身体虐待,性虐待,以及情感虐待等) Gratification:[n.]满足 Humiliate:[v.]使蒙羞 L:The most common form of child abuse is neglect.Physical neglect involves a parent’s failure to provide adequate food,clothing,shelter,or medical care to a child.It may also include inadequate supervision and a consistent failure to protect a child from hazards or danger.Emotional neglect occurs when a parent or caretaker fails to meet a child’s basic needs for affection and comfort.Examples of emotional neglect include behaving in a cold,distant,and unaffectionate way toward a child,allowing a child to witness chronic or severe spousal abuse,allowing a child to use alcohol or drugs,and encouraging a child to engage in delinquent behavior.Another form of neglect involves failing to meet a child’s basic education needs,either by failing to enroll a child in school or by permitting a child to skip school frequently. (最常见的虐待儿童行为是忽视,包括身体忽视,情感忽视以及教育忽视) Chronic:[adj.] 1.lasting for a long time;difficult to cure or get rid of; --the country’s chronic unemployment problem 2.Having a disease for a long time; 3.Very bad. K:Many children learn violent behavior from their parents and then grow up to abuse their own children.Thus,the abusive behavior is transmitted across generations.Studies show that some 30 percent of abused children become abusive parents,whereas only 2 to 3 percent of all individuals become abusive parents.Children who experience abuse and violence may adopt this behavior as a model for their own parenting.However,the majority of abused children do not become abusive adults.Some experts believe that an important predictor of later abuse is whether the child realizes that the behavior was wrong.Children who believe they behaved badly and deserved the abuse become abusive parents more often than children who believe their parents were wrong to abuse them. (许多在成长过程中收到父母暴力行为影响的孩子长大后会虐待自己的孩子,导致恶性循环) B:Stress from a variety of social conditions raises the risk of child abuse within a family.These conditions include unemployment,illness,poor housing conditions,a larger-than-average family size,the presence of a new baby or a disabled person in the home,and the death of a family member.A large majority of reported cases of child abuse come from families living in poverty.Child abuse also occurs in middle-class and wealthy families,but it is better reported among the poor for several reasons.Wealthier families have an easier time hiding abuse because they have less contact with social agencies then poor families.In addition,social workers,physicians,and others who report abuse cases subjectively label children from poor families as victims of abuse more often than children from rich families. (压力导致虐待儿童趋势上升,贫困家庭虐待儿童的现象更为常见) L:Parents and caretakers who abuse children tend to be socially isolated.Few violent parents belong to any community organizations,and most have little contact with friends or relatives.This lack of social involvement deprives abusive parents of support systems that would help them deal better with social or family stress.Moreover,the lack of community contacts makes these parents less likely to change their behavior to conform to community values and standards. (惯于虐待儿童的父母一般与社会疏离,缺少社会参与导致他们无法得到社会帮助) deprive sb/sth of sth:剥夺;使丧失 conform:[v.]遵守 K:Certain types of families have an increased risk of child abuse and neglect.For example,single parents are more likely to abuse their children than married parents.Moreover,single-parent families usually earn less money than other families,so this may account for the increased risk of abuse.Families with chronic marital discord or spousal abuse have higher rates of child abuse than families without these problems.In addition,families in which either the husband or wife dominates in making important decisions,such as where to live,what jobs to take,when to have children,and how much money to spend on food and housing,have higher rates of child abuse than families in which parents share responsibilities for these decisions. (虐待儿童的另一大原因是特定的家庭结构) B:Cultural factors often determine the amount of community support a family receives.In cultures with low rates of child abuse,child care is usually considered the responsibility of the community.That is,neighbors,relatives,and friends help with child care when the parents are unwilling or unable.In the United States,parents often shoulder child-care demands by themselves,which may result in a higher risk of stress and child abuse. (文化因素通常决定了家庭能够得到的社会帮助和支持) L:The consequences of child abuse and neglect can be devastating and far-reaching.Physical injuries can range from bruises,scrapes,and burns to brain damage,permanent disabilities and death.The psychological effects of abuse and neglect can last a lifetime and may include a lowered sense of self-worth,inability to relate to peers,reduced attention span,and learning disorders.In severe cases,abuse may result in psychiatric disorders like depression,excessive anxiety,or split personality as well as an increased risk of suicide.Behavior problems often develop after abuse,including violence and juvenile crime. (虐待儿童的后果既严重又影响深远) devastating:[adj.]严重的 span:[n.]时间段 relate to:与...相处融洽 K:Despite being abused,the majority of maltreated children do not show signs of extreme disturbance,and many can cope with their problems.A number of factors help insulate children from the effects of maltreatment,including high intelligence,good academic achievement,good temperament,and having close personal relationships. (有些儿童虽然受到虐待却并没有表现出极端的不安) B:Today we talked about many things about child abuse and what your opinion on this social problem?Well,it’s time to say goodbye.Next week,our English Classroom will lead you to another dimension of world again! A:See you!!
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