Hosts: Devil& Amber Guest: Jamie Topic: Travel by yourself 1. Gambit To-do-list in 20s Responsibility Opinions 20s are always awesome. You are young and dynamic, with your whole life ahead of you. You have options to change your lifestyle freely, achieve anything you want, and are free from many of the responsibilities that come with being in your thirties. Usually only when you’ve turned 30, you realize there’re much you haven’t done yet. What do you think you must finish anyhow in your 20s? 2. First travel without parents or teachers With brothers or sisters at the same age Goals Preparation Troubles Every year we have spring outing since we are grade one student, that’s not the one I want to talk about. I want to know your first experience of travelling by yourself. Where did you get your money you spend on travelling? Allowance Wages of your part time job Pocket money? What transportation do you prefer? Which element do you think is more important, I mean you will spend the most on it, the vehicle, the hotel or the food? Do you make a certain plan or schedule before getting to the place? Such as the strategy or the best schedule offered by the other people on the micro blog. 3. The unforgettable experience Story between partners Destination choice