News带你看两会!-News comment

News带你看两会!-News comment

2017-03-15    14'46''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

46 0

Today we’ll talk over several highlights of this year's NPC & CPPCC,the full names of which are National People’s Congress(全国人民代表大会) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(中国人民政治协商会议).Two sessions are held in the same time every 5 years. Have you ever noticed that there is a 2-dimension code set on the ministers' passageway? The changes in this year’s NPC & CPPCC have bring much convenience to journalists and the media, and we can watch the news about NPC & CPPCC either on TV oronline, from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony. From your point of view,which policy do you want to be seriously implemented? In other words, if you were the delegate, what would you put forward during the two sessions?