(English Classroom) Swish Swish

(English Classroom) Swish Swish

2017-06-08    13'25''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

114 1

A:Hello everyone welcome to today's English Classroom, I'm... The dragon boat festival has just passed, have you spent a good time during that time? C: Oh,I just stayed at home reading some books and play mobile phone, actually. D: I spent three days reading Gone With The Wind, in a piece of coffee, I think it was pretty relax E: I just spent three days on sleeping... F: Well, actually I don't know whether I can call it a good time or not, a lazy time maybe. I just stayed at home sleeping and playing with my mobile phone. I hang out with my sisters was but seen so many people, we didn't enjoy shopping and went straight home. A: I went to Changsha for four days with my roommates, and I eat a lot of delicious food like stinky tofu, I think I spent a good time here. B: Well, I had to stay and continued my experience, went to my Japanese class and prepared for my later exam doing a festival time, anyway it's a rather tough time for me,but I also went to a movie to relax myself. Dead men tell no tales. It's a really good movie. I love the private. C: Actually, this is the last time our English Classroom getting together to record a program, because two of us are promoted to be the vice director of the English radio station. You may not hear their voices as frequent as before, but sometimes they might also show up and become our special guests. D: I am really grateful for exercise to our radio station, I am also grateful for our group, our English Classroom and my close friends. To tell you the truth, I had to part with you, yeah, the time we spent together must be a valuable memory. E: Well, it's my honor to be a member of Classroom, I love you guys and if I have a chance, I'll make some special programs with you again!yeah. F: And our group leader is upgrading to the graduate. Only three people left? I never feel so close to departure. A: We will miss you! B: Thank you! I can't wait to meet freshmen in our English Station. C: Let's make a small goal first: To recruit at least one schoolboy! D: Still remember the scene when I was a freshman, now I'm a senior. How time flies. E: Ok, let's stop being in melancholy about future anymore, let's focus on the present, back to the topic. F:You're right. Have you heard Katy Perry's new song, Swish Swish? A:I do! It's a fabulous track. But the lyrics, I reckon, is a little aggressive.The lyrics include: "Don't you come for me/No, not today/you're calculated/I've got your number/Because you're a joke/and I'm a courtside killer queen." There's also a spot of rapping from Nicki Minaj, who criticised Taylor Swift on Twitter in 2015. B: Lots of people on social media think Katy Perry's new single, Swish Swish, is a Taylor Swift diss track. diss: speak disrespectfully to or criticize eg. I don't like her dissing my friends. Let's enjoy it first![Swish Swish 1:30] C:Katy Perry says she wants to end her long-running feud with Taylor Swift. There have been rumours of a rift for years but this is the first time either of the two singers have admitted that they have fallen out. Feud n. A prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute v. Take part in a prolonged and bitter quarrel e.g.:these two families have been feuding since the civil war. Rift n. A crack, split or break in something. Also a serious break in friendly relations. v. Form cracks or breaks especially through large scale faulting e.g.: a rift between somebody D:Perry was appearing on James Corden's Carpool Karaoke on his US talk show, The Late Late Show, when he asked her about it. "For sure, that's true. There's a situation, she started it and it's time for her to finish it," she said. Rumours of a rift between the two emerged shortly before the release of Taylor Swift's hit Bad Blood. Emerge v. move out of or away from something and come into view e.g.: black ravens emerged from the fog E:She hinted in an interview that it was about a high profile female musician who she had become enemies with and it had to do with business dealings. The day after this article was published, Katy Perry tweeted: "Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing." Hint n. A slight and indirect information or suggestion: he has given no hint of his views. v. Suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly: there were those who hinted at doctored evidence Profile n. An outline of something,especially a person's face, as seen from one side: the man turned and she saw his profile. A short article giving descriptions of a person or an organization: a profile of Texas Tycoon v. Describe a person or organization , especially a public figure ,in a short article : he was to profile each candidate. Represent in outline from one side. e.g.:He was standing motionless, profiled on the far side of the swimming pool. F:Regina George is the villain of the 2004 comedy Mean Girls starring Lindsey Lohan and Rachel McAdams. Rumours suggested the two singers had a big falling out over their backing dancers. After some comments here and there, things seemed to go quiet on the Perry versus Swift front. Until, that is, Katy's new track Swish Swish was released and appeared to be her response to Bad Blood. Villain n. ( In a play, novel or film) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot e.g. The terrorists are cartoon villains. Versus prep. Against(especially in sports and legal use) A:So after belting it out in James Corden's car, he asked her about it. "It is about backing dancers, it's so crazy," she replied. "There are three backing dancers that went on tour with her and they asked me before, if they could they go and I was like, 'Of course.'" Katy then explained that they would need it written into their contract that they could leave to join her tour. Belt n. A strip of leather or other material worn around the wrist or across the chest, especially in order to support clothes or carry weapons : a sword belt. A continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another: a conveyor belt v. Fasten with a belt e.g. She belted her raincoat firmly. Relating phases: tighten one's belt means cutting one's spendings Contract n.a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law. B:When that day came, the dancers said, "OK we're going to go and talk to management about it," but according to Katy they got fired. She went on to explain that she has tried to talk to Taylor about it but she wouldn't speak to her. "I do the right thing, anytime that it feels like a fumble," she said. "It was a full shut-down and then she writes a song about me and I'm like, 'OK, cool, cool, cool. That's how you wanna deal with it?' Karma." Fumble v. Using hands clumsily while doing or handling something e.g. She fumbled with the lock. n. An act of using hands clumsily while doing or handling something. E.g. Just one fumble during a tire change could separate the winners from the losers C: That's today's English classroom, see you next week All: see you~