Culture | 你有考虑过读博吗?

Culture | 你有考虑过读博吗?

2019-03-01    07'33''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

356 2

今年春节里有哪些大事?某演员和他的博士学位的瓜大家应该都已经吃过了。 让我们再回忆一下事情的始末,聊一聊博士学位的意义究竟是什么。 事实上,维护学术公平对所有人都是极为重要的。 1、身为博士的压力 Most people who want to get a PhD must invest in constant and endless effort. For instance, those who major in bioscience are often buried in all kinds of boring and repeated experiments. It is reported that many students can have problems in sleeping, have their hair fallen and even get depressive disorder during the Doctor period. 大部分希望获得博士学位的人都要坚持投入无尽的努力。比如生物科学专业的学生常常投身于重复的实验中。据说很多学生在写论文期间会出现失眠问题,甚至于脱发、抑郁。 2、博士学位的意义 A Master degree means one is able to know much of a specific area, and even reach the contemporary boundary of the area. When he or she pushes the boundary for a little, the little progress can guarantee him or her a PhD。 硕士学位表明一个学生已经对一个特定领域有了充分了解,甚至接触到了该领域的边界。而当他们能向前推动这个边界时,他们推动的那一小步就给予了他们博士学位。 总而言之,身为大学生的我们作为初步踏入学术圈的群体, 除了学习前辈成果以充实自我以外, 更要时刻以谦逊、尊敬的态度对待他人的心血以及自己的内心。 愿大家都能脚踏实地、不忘初心。