EC | 一战成就的潮流经典

EC | 一战成就的潮流经典

2019-03-02    07'39''

主播: HZAU English Radio Station

329 3

HELLO GUYS! 这期的English Classroom 带来的是一些一战带来的新创造(Surprising innovations from World War I),他们真的这么早就出现了,嗯是真的。 Attention! THEY ARE DEFINITELY SURPRISING! Daylight Saving Time 夏令时是啥!更长的学习时间?不用在冷风里做早操?小伙伴是开心呢还是微笑呢还是微笑呢?这adj. 的daylight saving time在100 多年前就诞生了,真令人emmmm Wristwatches vs pocketwatches Owning to the World War I, the wristwatches ovewhelmed pocketwatches.土豪必备的腕表就此走上了历史舞台! Trench coats 硝烟弥漫的一站孕育了风流倜傥的风衣??小编实在难以想象,欲知究竟为何,请看原文吧 Plastic Surgery 这绝对是重量级的发明!一战让双眼皮,高鼻梁,尖下巴不再可望而不可即! Drones Can you imagine the drones in the sky just 15years after the Wright brothers’ first flight ?? and when did it start to deliever pizza? JUST LISTEN THE PROGRAM “Surprising Innovations from World War I”