

2014-04-21    03'59''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

297 39

不知道你在生活中会设置多少个密码,忘记密码,相信每个人都有过.悉尼先驱晨报的一篇报道说,如果你觉得记忆N个密码是件头疼的事情,那么现在出现了"密码管家"可以帮你. A report by the Sydney Morning Herald says that if creating and remembering complicated passwords is a chore, let a password manager take care of it for you. Protected by a single master password, LastPass and 1Password offer to remember all of your passwords, or else generate complicated passwords on your behalf. Now they'll automatically log you into services such as Google, Hotmail, Facebook and Twitter. You can also auto-complete forms and create secure notes.