

2014-04-23    02'47''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1294 55

英国每日邮报报道说,一项调查显示,现在出现了一种新的人群-super working-class, 叫做"超级工作狂阶层". The Daily Mail reports that a study has found a new 'super' working-class has emerged of wealthy professionals who would rather spend their time in the office than out with friends or family. Well-educated professionals now work significantly longer hours than high earners in the past - and are also much happier being in the office. In contrast to the top earners in the 1960s, they believe taking leisure time is just a sign of laziness, rather than a bonus of their success. Traditionally, it was always those in less well paid jobs who worked the longest hours, but this is no longer the case.