美国萨克斯管巨星肯尼基的经典曲目"回家", 对大多数中国人来说再熟悉不过了. 很多商场,超市每天都会播放这首曲子,以提醒人们回家的时间到了.纽约时报的一篇报道说,尽管这首曲子并没有歌词,人们还是能理解这首曲子的含义.
According to the New York Times, Chinese people have been in love with the classic music "Going Home" by American saxophone superstar Kenny G for many years.
Every day, "Going Home" is piped into shopping malls, schools, train stations and fitness conters as a signal to the public that it is time to go home. Despite its lack of lyrics, people could understand the melody's cultural significance. On the popular Chinese video-sharing website Youku, Going Home accounts for 4 of the 10 most-played videos in the saxophone category.