

2014-05-15    04'00''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

490 40

华尔街日报: 随着中国人对于奢侈品的热情越来越高,奥特莱斯现如今在中国遍地开花. With sales growth in China slowing for the likes of fancy handbags and designer wear, luxury-goods makers are importing a solution from other continents: discount malls. Familiar sights along U.S. highways and in the remote outskirts of some European cities, outlet malls peddling high-end brands are now popping up in China. Shoppers can wander a faux Italian village—flush with Roman architecture and flashy fountains—where a genuine Burberry trench coat, for example, sells for about 9,000 yuan ($1,450), some 40% off the original retail price in China. Value Retail PLC, a London-based developer and operator of luxury shopping outlets in Europe, plans to invest about $450 million in three new outlets in China over the next five years, bringing its total to five.