

2014-05-20    04'15''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

901 32

华尔街日报: "不,这不是白宫,这是中国的一个厕所". 据报道,安徽某酒厂耗资87万修建了一座形似白宫的厕所.据说,该厕所是为方便其4000名员工而修建的,同时也可以满足参观客的需求. The Wall Street Journal reports that a city in eastern China Anhui province had built a 418-square-meter toilet that looks like a mash-up of the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building. According to local media, the toilet cost a local liquor company $144,000 to construct, and promptly sparked a flurry of commentary, with some condemning such an expenditure as a waste. Attempts to reach the company for comment weren't successful. The newspaper quoted the liquor company as saying the toilet was built to accommodate its staff of 4,000 as well as the thousands of customers who visit the premises.