

2014-05-20    04'46''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

993 34

英国每日电讯: 一些用于科学实验的捐赠尸体现在处于危险的状态.在康普顿斯大学的地下室里,有250具供医学研究的尸体,然而,尸体及人体四肢堆积如山,支零破碎,而且还暴露在常温之下. The Telegraph reports that around 250 corpses donated to medical science were being stored haphazardly in a basement at the Madrid's Complutense University after being used for teaching purposes by anatomy students. The gruesome discovery was revealed in Spain's local newspaper on Monday which published a graphic video showing shriveled and dissected corpses piled up in a storeroom. The newspaper described the discovery as "a scene from a horror film" and reported that mummified bodies and parts of bodies were stored in conditions without any means of identifying them.