

2014-05-29    02'35''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

6327 118

英国每日邮报:不必再费时费力学习外语了.网络即时语音沟通工具skype即将推出实时翻译功能.有了这个新功能,说不同语言的两个人就可以在网络上没有障碍的交流了. A report by the Daily Mail says "Don't bother learning a foreign language! Skype will soon translate spoken foreign words in real time." The days of awkwardly trying to wing your way in a foreign language could soon be over. Microsoft has unveiled their new Skype Translator technology that they say can decode languages in real-time. It means that during video calls the speech recognition software will allow two callers from different countries to talk with ease.